Sibshop (June 18, 2025)

  • Other
Jun 18 2025
Sibshop (2025)
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed5:30 - 7:00 pm
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Sibshops are a celebration of the many lifelong contributions made by brothers and sisters of people with special health and developmental needs. It is a recreational group for the siblings of children with special needs.

Sibshops provide young brothers and sisters peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. They are pedal-to-the-metal events where Sibs will:

  • Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with special needs with others who “get it”;
  • Meet other sibs (usually for the first time);
  • Meet with the program coordinator and Sibshop mentor (Sibshop mentor added to encourage Sibshop discussions about our siblings)
  • Go on a community trip to Monster Mini-Golf and Laser Tag at the end of the session
  • Play some great games, complete arts and crafts projects, and build simple electronic devices with Snap Circuits
  • Enjoy communal snack and open discussion time with fellow sibs
  • Learn how others handle sticky situations sometimes faced by brothers and sisters;
  • Laugh;
  • Learn about the services their brothers and sister receive;
  • Have some more fun!


If you have any questions please contact Adam Horvath, Sibshops Coordinator.

[email protected]


Class dates



Participants must currently be 8 years to 14 years old.

Program enrollment capacity

Maximum: 12

Registration period

Registration starts on 01/01/2025 and ends on 06/18/2025.